Synchrony funds
The Synchrony range of funds offers an accessible and stable investment universe, tailored to your profile.

Synchrony investment funds
The Synchrony range of funds are based on a sophisticated and solid management approach. This is based on 5 guiding principles:
i.e. independence in selecting the best assets (equities/bonds) and external management companies at a global level.
thanks to a high degree of diversification, guaranteeing long-term returns and lower risk.
a transparent allocation process that rejects opaque financial products and aims for portfolio purity.
applied to all investment areas: in the products, the selected securities, the fees...
believing in what we do and sticking to it despite possible turbulence, because quality always prevails in the long term.

Our approach is to seek the performance produced by the real economy and its companies. Our goal is to identify the best equities and issuers in the market and to enable our clients to invest in high value-added geographical regions.
Geneva know-how
Synchrony funds are managed in Geneva by the BCGE Asset Management team. It draws on Swiss know-how, which is recognised in the field of investment fund management. The strength of its organisation, the rigour and consistency of its decision-making model and the expertise of the Geneva financial centre contribute to the attractiveness of Synchrony funds in Switzerland and throughout the world.
Experts who have proven their worth over the years
BCGE Asset Management's experts have been involved in the creation and management of investment funds since 1990. Their know-how is recognised by professionals and their funds have received regular awards since 1998.